jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016



Espero que muuuy bien. Yo me tome unas pequeñas vacaciones y de ahí a que no haya podido escribir en el Blog.
Necesitaba descansar y desconectar un tiempo de todo eso, pero creerme que va a ser mas productivo de lo que os pensáis, ya que os traigo mucho mucho mucho material para ofreceros, consejos de todo tipo, nuevas colaboraciones con marcas y sorteos de firmas muy conocidas. Y como no...muchos muchos post que seguro os van a gustar.

En este tiempo he estado pensando en la idea de abrir un nuevo BLOG ya que la demanda en los diferentes campos de este blog, esta siendo bastante grande, entonces la idea era dejar este Blog solo dedicado a los escritos, historias y relatos de opinión tanto actual como antigua hechos por mi...y abrir otro Blog solo dedicado a moda, make up, consejos etc. ¿Qué os parece la idea?

Demomento he dejado todo como estaba, no siendo algún arreglillo. Como podeis observar en la columna horizontal, he añadido un nuevo apartado llamado ''HAIR'' en el que estarán todos los POST dedicados al cabello: consejos, cuidados, tips...etc
Y en ''DIFFERENT TIMES'' encontrareis todos los relatos, historias y demás material escrito por mi para que os entretengáis cuando estéis aburrid@s o queráis leer cositas nuevas.

Espero que me dejéis en los comentarios vuestra opinión y me deis ideas para futuros POST, así como cosillas que queráis saber.

                                                          ENGLISH VERSION
I wait that veeery well. I take a few small holidays and hence to which the Blog could not have written in.
He needed to rest and disconnect a time of all that, but believe that it is going to be more productive than you think yourselves, since I bring you very much very much very much materially to offer you, councils of all kinds, new collaborations with marks and drawings of very well-known signatures. And like not... many many post that insurance they are going to like you.
In this time I have been thinking about the idea of opening a new BLOG since the demand in the different fields of this blog, is quite big, of that time the idea was to leave this alone Blog dedicated to the writings, histories and histories of both current and ancient opinion done by me... and to open another alone Blog dedicated to fashion, make up, advices etc.: What does the idea look like to you?
At the moment I have left everything how is life, without being any change. Since you can observe in the horizontal column, I have added a new paragraph called "HAIR" in which there will be all the POST dedicated to the hair: advices, care, tips... etc
And in "DIFFERENT TIMESL" you will find all the histories, histories and other reading matter for me so that you amuse yourselves when you are bored or want to read cosituated piece of news.
I hope that you should leave in the comments your opinion to me and should give me ideas for futures POST, as well as cochairs that queráis to know.

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